Html5的Reset 和Base样式的结合
今天无意在网上看到一个介绍Normalize.css文章,觉得很有意思,于是学习了一下,发现他和reset.css一样的功能。大部分情况下,我们在页面中使用CSS Resets解决不同浏览器对HTML元素的默认CSS设置的差异。CSS normalization则与CSS Resets不同,为了页面具有相同的表现,CSS Resets对大多元素的样式进行了复位操作,而normalize.css则在保留原有表现的基础上进行值的重设并修复一些Bug。
我以前在《drupal主题的基础样式—reset、base、layout、print》介绍过有关于Reset CSS,Base CSS等样式的使用,但对于我们个人做项目来说,没有必要把样式分得那么细,这样一来增加了HTTP的请求,从而影响了项目的性能,于是今天重新结合Normalize CSS,Reset CSS, Base CSS, Html5 Reset Css整理了一份新的样式,我这里暂把他叫做HTML5 的Reset CSS 和Base CSS的结合。下面把相应的代码贴出来以供大家一起探讨。
/** *Remove Spacing */ body,dl,dd,ul,ol,figure ,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,pre,blockquote, form ,fieldset,legend ,input,button,select,textarea { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* * Add block display for HTML5 elements * Corrects block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9 & FF3 */ article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section { display: block; } /* ============================================================================= Typography ========================================================================== */ /* * Add bottom border * Corrects styling not present in IE7/8/9 S5 Chrome */ abbr[title], dfn[title] { border-bottom: 1px dotted; cursor:help; } /* * Define font family as monospace * Corrects font family set oddly in IE6 S5 C10 * */ pre, code, kbd, samp { font-family: monospace, sans-serif; _font-family: 'Courier New', monospace, sans-serif; font-size: 1em; } /* * Add line wrapping * Improves readability of pre-formatted text in all browsers */ pre { white-space: pre;/*CSS2*/ white-space: pre-wrap;/*CSS2.1*/ white-space: pre-line;/*CSS3*/ word-wrap: break-word;/*IE*/ } /* * Remove quotes * 1. Addresses CSS quotes not supported in IE6/7 * 2. Addresses quote attributes not supported in S4 */ blockquote, q { quotes: none; } blockquote:before, blockquote:after, q:before, q:after { content: ''; content: none; } /* * Define font size * Improves appearance in all browsers */ small { font-size: 75%; } /* * Define font size and alignment * Improves appearance without affecting line-height in all browsers * */ sub, sup { font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; } sup { top: -0.5em; } sub { bottom: -0.25em; } /*Clear floats *The Magnificent CLEARFIX:Updated fo prevent margin-collapsing on child elements */ .clearfix:before, .clearfix:after { content:"\0020"; display: block; height: 0; visibility: hidden; } .clearfix { zoom: 1;/*IE<8*/ } .clearfix:after { clear: both; } * html .clearfix { zoom: 1; /* IE6 */ } *:first-child+html .clearfix { zoom: 1; /* IE7 */ } /* * Add inline-block display for HTML5 elements * Corrects inline-block display not defined in IE6/7/8/9 & FF3 */ audio[controls], canvas, video { display: inline-block; *display: inline; *zoom: 1; } html { font-size: 100.01%;/*To Prevent bugs in IE and Opera*/ height: 100%;/*Using height 100% on html and body allows to style containers with a 100% height*/ overflow-y: scroll;/*The overflow declaration is to make sure there is a gutter for the scollbar in all browsers regardless of content*/ cursor: default; /* Add normal cursor Improves visual focus of page during mouse use in all browsers */ overflow-y: scroll; /* Add vertical scrollbar Keeps page centered in all browsers regardless of content height */ -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; /* Add vertical scrollbar Keeps page centered in all browsers regardless of content height */ -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* Define maximum text display as 100% to document Corrects text displayed oddly after orientation change in handheld browsers */ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* Define maximum text display as 100% to document Corrects text displayed oddly after orientation change in handheld browsers */ } body { background-color: #fff;/*Not all browsers set white as the default background color*/ color: #444;/*#444 looks better than black*/ height: 100%; } body, button input, select, textarea { font: 12px/1.5 sans-serif; } img,fieldset { border: 0 none; /*Remove border Improves readability when inside <a> element in all browsers*/ } img { vertical-align: top; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; /*Add high quality bicubic image resampling Improves visual appearance when scaled in IE7*/ } /* ============================================================================= Links ========================================================================== */ /* * Remove outline * Improves appearance when active or hovered in all browsers * */ a, a:active, a:hover { outline: none; } /* * Define outline as thin dotted * Improves appearance displayed oddly in C10 */ a:focus { outline: thin dotted; } a, a:link { color: #0000EE; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #551A8B; } /*Hide only visually,but have it available for screenreaders*/ .hidden { border: 0 !important; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);/*IE<8*/ clip: rect(1px,1px,1px,1px); height: 1px !important; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0 !important; position: absolute !important; width: 1px; } /* ============================================================================= Lists ========================================================================== */ dd { margin: 0 0 0 40px; } nav ul, nav ol { list-style: none; } /* ============================================================================= Forms ========================================================================== */ form { overflow: visible; } fieldset { line-height: 1;/*line height helps to set the vertical alignment of radio buttons and check boxes*/ } /* * Add negative left margin * Corrects alignment displayed oddly in IE6/7 */ legend { *margin-left: -7px; } /* * Define consistent vertical alignment display in all browsers */ button, input, select, textarea { vertical-align: baseline; *vertical-align: middle; } /* * 1. Define line-height as normal * Corrects FF3/4 setting it using !important in the UA stylesheet * 2. Make visible overflow * Fixes spacing displayed oddly in IE6/7 */ button, input { line-height: normal; /* 1 */ *overflow: visible; /* 2 */ } /* * 1. Display hand cursor for clickable form elements * Improves usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type <input /> and others * 2. Define appearance for clickable form elements * Corrects inability to style clickable <input /> types in iOS */ button, input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], .form-btn, .btn { cursor: pointer; /* 1 */ -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */ } /* * Define box sizing * Addresses box sizing set to content-box in IE8/9 */ input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] { box-sizing: border-box; } input[type="checkbox"] { vertical-align: bottom;/*Vertical alignment of checkboxes*/ *vertical-align: baseline;/*IE7*/ } input[type="radio"] { vertical-align: text-bottom;/*Vertical alignment of radio buttons*/ } input { _vertical-align: text-bottom;/*Vertical alignment of input fields for IE6*/ } /* * Define box sizing and appearance * Addresses box sizing set to border-box in S5 Chrome (include -moz to future-proof) * Addresses appearance set to searchfield in S5 Chrome */ input[type="search"] { -webkit-appearance: textfield; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; } /* * Remove inner padding and border * Fixes appearance displayed oddly in FF3/4 * */ button::-moz-focus-inner, input::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; } /* * 1. Disable default vertical scrollbar * Corrects scrollbar displayed oddly in IE6/7/8/9 * 2. Add top vertical alignment * Improves readability and aligment in all browsers */ textarea { overflow: auto; /* 1 */ vertical-align: top; /* 2 */ } input[type="email"], input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="select"], input[type="search"], input[type="file"], textarea, select { -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px solid #7F9DB9; } input:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus { outline-width: 0;/*No outline border for Safary*/ } select { background-color: transparent;/*In Webkit/Mac, select fails to inherit color,font-*,etc if there is no other styling like background for example(border will do to)*/ } label { font-weight: normal; } label.required:after { content:"*"; color:red; font-family:"Lucida Grande",Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; } button, input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], .form-btn { width: auto; *width: 1; overflow: visible; } /* ============================================================================= Tables ========================================================================== */ /* * Remove spacing between table cells * Improves vertical and horizontal alignment in all browsers */ table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } th, td { padding: 0; text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; } /* *Header */ h1 { font-size: 2em; } h2 { font-size: 1.5em; } h3 { font-size: 1.17em; } h4 { font-size: 1em; } h5 { font-size: 0.83em; } h6 { font-size: 0.67em; } p { margin-bottom: 4px; }
本文主要参考了《drupal主题的基础样式—reset、base、layout、print》,《HTML5Reset Stylesheet》,《Normalize.css》,其中Normalize CSS有两个版本:necolas和jonathantneal。有感兴趣的朋友可以下载他们的源码,仔细学习。